And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build this church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
— Matthew 16:18

89 years and counting

A history of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.

  • The Reverend Clarence Cobbs and approximately 50 members of Metropolitan and Enon Baptist Church organized the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. A few months later, Reverend Coleman from Pennsylvania was called to pastor the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. Later that year the church relocated to 1143 McCulloh St. and was renamed the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.

  • Reverend Samuel Washington succeeded Rev. Coleman. The church relocated to Park Avenue and Preston Street.

  • The church relocated again to 411 West Biddle St. Reverend Washington served until his death in 1947.

  • Pleasant Grove operated without a pastor

  • The Reverend Joshua L. Harris was installed as pastor.

  • The Present site 214 S. Loudon Ave was purchased.

  • Pastor Harris’ went on to be with the Lord and Reverend Austin was installed as Pastor

  • Reverend W.A. Richardson was made interim pastor

  • Pastor Nathaniel Sapp was installed as pastor. During his tenure the church grew from 25 to 300+ members. Pastor Sapp was a goal oriented servant.

  • he Pleasant Grove Baptist Church completed Phase I of its Renovation Project which included new classrooms, an administrative office, purchase of a ministry house, and renovation of the pastor’s office.

  • Phase II of the renovation project was completed and the congregation moved back to the new Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Sanctuary.

  • Pastor Nathaniel Sapp ended his work here on earth, after serving for 25yrs as the beloved Sheppard of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.

  • Reverend Dr. Ronald C. Williams was installed as pastor. Dr Williams served for 17 years. During his tenure the ministry experienced a surge in passion for evangelism, outreach and personal spiritual growth.

  • On June 15th Elder James A. Dixon Jr. was unanimously voted as Pastor Elect. Dr. Wiliams served until Saturday June 3oth. Elder Dixon mounted the PGBC pulpit for the first time on Sunday July 1st, 2020

  • Presently Elder Dixon is operating in the spirit of excellence re-building the ediface, re-connecting the congregation present, past, and future and revitalizing community relations.

    He is excited to continue the legacy and add to the rich history of the Best Church on this side of heaven!